Eden’s good friend, Cheyenne, lives in the arid scorching Echo Quartz Desert in the middle of Spigley Bumpy Dunes. While she mostly spends her time working as a desert curator, she sometimes partakes in Eden’s adventures. Like Eden, she is fun to be around (sometimes she becomes a total party animal), but turns into a totally different Punny when it comes to her job.
Harvest Element: Spring
- talking to Eden about the latest gossip
- warm, dry weather found in the Echo Quartz Desert
- studying/gathering medicinal plants
- crystals, especially Kernels
- cute, kiwi bear-shaped socks and hats
- bright chili-colored cactus flowers
- making sure her cherry leaf is stylishly curved
- feral Muscats from the Shades Jungle
- knitting (as a hobby)
- delicious cactus juice that makes you want to drink ten liters of it!
- rain
- chalk smell
- dirt that doesn’t smell like dirt
- throwing up after drinking too much cactus juice