A shy, bespectacled Orange Punny whose life passion is helping other Punnies with vision impairments. While she herself was born nearly blind, her hand-made glasses have given her the ability to see much more beyond the usual Punny’s vision.. She lives near Newtime Beach, where she regularly walks along the shoreline to collect gems. Should you ever visit her crafting studio, please make sure to bring her at least one jar of animal crackers!
- handcrafting lenses out of beach gems
- sculpting cool glasses frames
- unusually sized spectacles
- giving hermit crabs mason jars
- seeweed-flavored animal crackers
- elephants that make meowing noises
- gourd toads wearing sunglasses
- watching other Punnies do gymnastics in the mountains
- walking around without her trusty glasses
- playing soccer with shoes on
- hamsters that purposely act like zebras