A shrewd, sharp Corn Punny. Cornelius works in some pretty serious business (finance management). At first glance, he tends to look a little intimidating (typically being an individual of few words), but he’s actually quite kind and soft-spoken. No one knows how many degrees and certifications he has, to be frank – all we can say is that he’s quite qualified. Often, he’s seen traveling with Pinra, a sleepy Pineapple Punny that writes fiction.
Harvest Element: Autumn
- classical novels, historical biographies, research journals, and other cornplicated content
- learning languages (he knows at least three!)
- stonks
- keeping ten pairs of glasses of different sizes/shapes
- playing a celery
- popcorn music
- caffeinated drinks (his favorite is smoky coffee)
- loud scratching noises
- mango flavored tea
- running (when he runs too much, some of his kernels will pop out!)