I spent a morning visiting my good friend Cheyenne at Spigley Bumpy Dunes to help her with an unusual problem. That morning, she was attempting to sprout some Feriseo Seeds for the local recovery center. Feriseo plants produce flowers that are a great beneficial ingredient to make a miraculous medicine that can heal many injuries a Punny can have. As it turned out, it wasn’t easy at all! Cheyenne instructed me to swing my arms and hands up and down superfast even as I got very sore.
You see, the thing about Feriseo Seeds is that they don’t want to come out of their outer protective shells unless you shake them a lot! Cheyenne and I spent a good hour doing super high-speed versions of the Macarena and other high energy dances until we fell over, absolutely EXHAUSTED from all the work. That’s when I noticed her two-person bike. I asked Cheyenne if it still worked, and she replied a (cautious) yes. With a chuckle, I told Cheyenne my daring plan. Soon enough, Cheyenne and I were riding through Spigley’s Bumpy Dunes, and we literally shook so much that we could have prepared hundreds of Feriseo Seeds! Although it paid off, our teeth didn’t stop chattering for hours afterward.