One SUUUUPER scorching hot day, I was walking in the Hoomie Hills with Appollo (an Apple Punny), picking some poppies for Figaro’s friend’s cousin’s sister’s friend’s Cloverspring beach wedding. In the springtime, Hoomie Hills has the most beautiful kinds of poppy flowers that make the most adorable little bell noises when you shake them. The coolest ones are definitely the roundish, scarlet orange kind that have glowing pollen! A nighttime walk in through these hills would just simply take your breath away.
We were underneath a Golden Gypsicyan Sunflower, which is very much like your typical Punny Garden sunflower, however the Golden Gypsicyan Sunflowers are the giants of all the sunflowers! If you haven’t already noticed, plants just grow much better here in Punny Garden. Their stalks and flowers reach way up into the sky. And of course, the best part of all are its seeds! Not only are the seeds the size of your head, but they taste like fresh oranges. I do try to pick some up whenever the opportunity comes along such as on this beautiful day. Just as I was about to pick a white poppy, a strong breeze shoved me and nearly knocked me upside down! I turned around, and in the distance… a HUUUUUUUGEEEEEE twister was storming our way!
“YIKES!” I yelled, dropping my basket of flowers. I’d heard about twisters happening randomly in Hoomie Hills, but never thought I’d get to see one up close and so suddenly. Not only that, but I was just commenting how beautiful the day was, but now a twister appeared and is heading towards us at an alarmingly fast rate. Being caught in a twister is not something any of use should aspire to put in our journals or sketches. For one thing, your hair would most likely end up in a mess unless you’re like Cornelius who keeps a short hairstyle, so nothing would ever muddle it up. I’m sure a twister like this would cause little damage to Cornelius’s silk hair.
“Jump on the sunflower, unless you want to get blown into the ocean!” Appollo called, scrambling up its giant stem. I followed close behind just as the twister smashed into my face! We clung onto the stem for our lives, which swung wildly back and forth as if it were a furious puppy shaking off water. I yelled a lot, because it felt like we were going to fly away in all the chaos and I certainly did not appreciate what it was doing to my hair, giving it loads of knots that would require an eternity to undo.
As we held onto the sunflower to ride out the strong winds, out of nowhere I heard a strange voice calling out my name. I looked in the distance and was able to make out a blurry image of a Punny riding some kind of small aircraft. I was definitely surprised to discover that it was Watson! He was zipping around the twister and seems to be chasing it away from Hoomie Hills. Punnies have long figured out how to harness the power of twisters and tornadoes to power aircraft such as the one Watson was using. Watson was enjoying himself as he herded off this windy being from farms and very populated towns or cities. After the winds subsided, Watson fly over to where we were.
“I’m so sorry everyone, I didn’t mean to bring the twister this way. It seems to take this route despite my influence. Are you okay Eden, Appollo?” voiced Watson who was concerned for our safety. “We’re okay”, Appollo and I said in unison. “I’m glad you manage to be holding onto theses Gypsicyan Sunflowers” add Watson in relief after see we were indeed unhurt.
As we slid down the stalks, I spat out the leaves that got in my mouth and took off my wet-grass-covered jacket. At this point, I think we both gave a sigh as we laid flat on the hills and contemplated about putting up a sign to warn others to beware of the Sunflower Twister Season. Being tossed around left and right by an angry twister was exhausting, but quite the memorable experience.