Eden's Sketch of: Swimming With Pandas

What to do with a bunch of Bamboo?

One of my favorite places to visit is a tranquil lake next to Pingret Forest. When life gets overwhelmingly busy, I make a stop here to catch up on things that are dear to me, things that I can only understand when given enough of the right amount of peace and quiet. The naturally calming…

Eden's Sketch of: Carrot Squid Song

Carrot Squid Melody

This was the time when Professor Wave lent me a Bubble Cosmonaut Seed. It quickly grows into a Bubble Diving Helmet when submerged into water which allows the wearer to easily breathe underwater for as long as needed. Just like plants, the Bubble Diving Helmet converts your exhaled breath into pure life-saving oxygen. This was…

Eden's Sketch of: Bouncy Spring Volleyball

Bouncy Spring Volleyball

This sketch was about the time I introduced human volleyball to Punnies… and invented an entirely new sport altogether! After the last snow melted, I made an effort to gather some Punnies to play volleyball with me! I’d been wanting to introduce volleyball to my Punny Garden friends for a while, but the winter cold…

Eden's Sketch of: The Giant Cat's Baby Shower

The Giant Cat’s Baby Shower!

POW – PSHEWWWWW! The blimp I was in went crashing to the ground as a Giant Almond Tabby smashed it with a paw! I’m totally just kidding – we dodged it just narrowly by a few feet. In Punny Garden, Almond Tabbies are the massive cat guardians of the Echo Quartz Desert. They spend most…

Eden's Sketch of: Extra Delicious Valentine's Day Pizza

Extra Delicious Valentine’s Day Pizza

On one Valentine’s Day, I ran to meet my one and only true love – Figaro’s grandfather’s extra special Onion Heart pizza! In Punny Garden, Onion Hearts are these amazing red heart-shaped onions. They’re very valuable/rare (only found during the coldest winters deep underneath Sunset Mountain). Unlike regular onions, Onion Hearts are super sweet raw.…

Eden's Sketch of: A Silly Christmas Prank

A Silly Christmas Prank!

You often hear of spooky Halloween pranks. But, one year I decided that it would be HILARIOUS to play a Christmas prank on my best friend, Figaro. You see, in Punny Garden there’s a myth that there’s an immortal Punny named Apple Claus that, every Christmas, jumps on top of other Punnies’ rooftops and gives…